If you are a citizen of Karnataka, India, Now you can report any lost article online through Karnataka State Police App or through Web Portal. This module is released as an update to the already existing State Level App “Karnataka State Police Official” (android) (ios). The service was available in Bangalore only as a separate […]
Over and over again lack of accurate documentation and its timely retrieval has been raised as a significant problem in the functioning of the the police force in India. The CCTNS Project (Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems) was a mission mode project of Government of India which was conceived in the year 2008 […]
We are happy and proud to implement The Forensic Science Laboratory Management System (FLMS) for Karnataka State FSL, Bangalore. In today’s criminal justice scenario, forensic investigation has assumed a crucial role. While law enforcement agencies are involved in the collection of evidence, be it physical or digital, it is forensic investigation that deals with the […]