In a recent breakthrough, Bengaluru Police successfully apprehended three habitual offenders involved in a series of burglaries. With the help of the M-CCTNS app, which hosts a comprehensive criminal database accessible directly on officers’ mobile phones, the police were able to instantly trace the suspects’ involvement in multiple unsolved cases, including 14 burglaries and several past offenses.
The suspects’ fingerprints were quickly scanned using the app, and within moments, the system matched their prints with evidence from past crimes. Previously, fingerprint analysis required sending samples to bureaus at city or district headquarters, a process that could take up to 10 days. However, with M-CCTNS, the officers received real-time results, confirming the suspects’ criminal history on the spot.
This technology significantly speeds up investigations, providing law enforcement with a powerful tool for immediate on-field verification. The M-CCTNS app now allows police officers to scan a suspect’s fingerprints directly on their phone, reducing the lag time between suspect identification and action.
These strides in technology, including the growing database of over 4 lakh suspects, underline the state’s commitment to improving policing through digital tools. M-CCTNS is playing a key role in this evolution, allowing officers to swiftly access vital criminal history information, improving efficiency and effectiveness in crime prevention and investigation.